Measuring Health Workforce Inequalities
Methods and Application to China and India
on October 1, 2010
Measuring health workforce inequalities: methods and application to China and India is for users and producers of quantitative data in support of decision-making for health policy and practice, including statistical analysts, researchers, health workforce planners and policy-makers, and development partners. With the aim of strengthening the global evidence base across countries and regions, it is intended to encourage a greater number of countries to monitor and report on health workforce inequalities using standardized methods and measures.
Inequality indices based on three statistical measures adapted from economics – the Theil L measure, the Theil T index and the Gini coefficient – are elaborated so as to assess the distribution of the health workforce within and between geographical units in a country and to identify inequalities. A large part of this publication is devoted to presenting the application of these methods to an analysis of health workforce data from China and India, followed by a comparison of the distribution of human resources for health in the two countries.