Coal in a Changing Climate

The current coal fuel cycle is among the most destructive activities on earth, placing an unacceptable burden on public health and the environment. There is no such thing as “clean coal.” As the two largest coal consumers, the United States and China must make it their top priority to avoid increased reliance on coal and accelerate the transition to an energy future based on efficient use of renewable resources. Energy efficiency and renewable energy resources are technically capable of meeting the demands for these countries’ energy services.

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Barbara A. Finamore

China: Minority Exclusion, Marginalization and Rising Tensions

This report documents the serious impediments to the fulfillment of China's human rights obligations, in the areas of ethnic minority political participation, development, and preservation of cultural identity. Given the destabilizing levels of social unrest and protests, generated by inequality and human rights violations, the PRC government has real incentives to find sustainable, lasting solutions to the discontent of petitioners, human rights defenders, activists, and ethnic minorities. Its responses, however, have been violent and repressive, not only in ethnic minority areas but also against its Han Chinese majority. The protection of rights for these ethnic minority groups is a piece of the larger framework of institutional human rights protection, which is essential in building a peaceful society.

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Human Rights in China